Shipping Update and "What's Next?" From Wet Ink Games
almost 3 years ago
– Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 12:15:05 AM
Into the Wyrd and the Wild Fulfillment Update
United States, Canada & RotW from QML
- Fulfillment is complete for 99% of all orders.
Worldwide Fulfillment from the hubs
Due to the fact that we were waiting on the on The Grim Harvest print run, these are on their way, and we're working closely with QML to keep this moving.
VFI - (Asia) The stock shipment will arrive on 1/20, but VFI will be closed for roughly 2 weeks during their national holiday for Lunar New Year - fulfillment is set to begin in mid/late February. (We'll have a better timeline once the hub confirms receipt)
Aetherworks - (Aus/NZ) The stock shipment will arrive on 1/20, and fulfillment is set to begin early/mid February. (We'll have a better timeline once the hub confirms receipt)
Spiral Galaxy - (UK/EU) As mentioned previously, we switched vendors for VAT, and the current vendor has all of the requisite documentation, identification, and funds from us. This was a completely unanticipated issue, but our new vendor has been extremely helpful and responsive, and are dedicated to helping us get this stuff over to you ASAP. We will continue to update all of you backers along the way.
This has been a very long journey, and we are so grateful for each and every one of you and your support. You all have made this experience (even with all it's hiccups and stumbles along the way) and absolute joy, and we appreciate you! We've been fulfilling two projects at the same time, and they are both winding down. The pictures and comments of you all with your Into the Wyrd and Wild stuff coming in on Twitter and Facebook have just been amazing, and we want you to know that we cherish all of the kind and heartfelt words you all share with us. Thanks again.
Heckin' Good Doggos!
So what's next? Heckin’ Good Doggos is a family friendly, all ages role-playing game where the players take on the roles of humankind’s best friends: The dog! It is a game of "Dogs doin' Dog Stuff" that focuses on the kinds of stories and adventures dogs can get into such as:
- Finding their favorite treats.
- Barking at that squirrel up in the tree
- Finding their human Best Friend who has gone missing.
- Banishing an ancient spirit that threatens the neighborhood.
- Scavenging for supplies in a futuristic wasteland.
- And so much more!
We hope we can count on your support to help bring this hilarious and fun game to life! CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW THE PROJECT!!!
Into the Cess and Citadel
We promised you an update right before the start of the New Year, and we're working with Charles to get some snippets of what you can expect from the second book in this awesome series, and a sneak peek at some of the art. Be on the lookout for that update coming up sometime in the next week or so. There will be some changes to our funding process and/or platform for that project, so we'll make sure we can communicate the reasons and expectations around that well ahead of time.
Shipping Update
about 3 years ago
– Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 11:27:10 AM
Hey everyone! Wow, it's been a hectic couple of weeks around here, and we wanted to post an update with some info, but more importantly to say a big, heart-felt THANK YOU for sticking with us through this.
First of all, as many of you have seen, shipping notifications with tracking information are going out, so backers are beginning to see these out in the wild. QML will be updating a spreadsheet with the tracking information and which backers are fulfilled as they progress, so we'll be giving you that information as we get it. We SHOULD be getting our first update to that sheet tonight. As of right now, here is the current status:
- US and Canada: These are going out now and should be wrapped up by Friday.
- AU, NZ, and Asia are on the way to fulfillment hubs as of this week. We will update as we have more information.
- UK and EU: There was an issue with our VAT certificate that we're working out with our vendor, but those are in process as we speak. They are loaded up and QML is assisting us in getting this issue wrapped up so those can be in your hands. We'll also let you know the progress of that.
Address Verification emails: This has been a big pain point. If you all have seen the previous updates, there was an issue with some people not receiving their address verification emails from QML. We asked for a drop-dead date of when that would have been expected, but hadn't heard anything. We know that some of them went out, but not all of them, and we also know that this will only impact those who actually had an address change. We're still working with them to see where this ball was dropped, but we are completely dedicated to all of our backers receiving their pledges.
IF YOU RECEIVE A SHIPPING NOTICE and it is for an incorrect address (and you don't have anyone at the old address to receive the package for you) please forward that to [email protected] and we will make sure to get those to QML so we can send replacements.
Shipping Update
about 3 years ago
– Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 10:09:29 PM
Hey Everyone. We're just following up on our last update.
- As we stated last time, the Grim Harvest book finally arrived at QML and they were able to start assembling their packages as part of shipping prep. You can see that below.
- They are completing a major fulfillment at the moment which was in queue before Jiangshi (another one of our projects) and Into the Wyrd and Wild, but that we've been informed that logjam has cleared.
- They are working with a smaller staff this week due to the holidays, but still moving forward.
- If you haven't received an email from them yet, it shouldn't be a problem. HOWEVER we are checking with them to see if there is a date we can communicate to you all after which it might be an issue. Please bear with us as we try to get that info to you ASAP.
- Finally, we hope that you all have a good holiday of your choosing, and hope you stay safe, have fun, and play lots of board, card, and roleplaying games with friends and family (chosen family or otherwise).
As always, we appreciate and cherish your support and can't wait for these to be in your hands.
We will have an update early next week with more details, and some information about some cool new projects (like Into the Cess and Citadel...)
about 3 years ago
– Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 11:50:30 PM
First of all, Pax Unplugged was AMAZING! We had a great time at the convention and met many of you awesome backers face to face. Thank you for taking the time to come and speak with us. We loved chatting with you and simply cannot wait to get up there next year!
Now (and I apologize for burying the lede here), The Grim Harvest book got here this morning, and is set to be delivered to QML this afternoon! Take a look at the video and cover image below.
I know many of you are eager to get this in your hands, and it will be on it's way. They are coordinating fulfillment right now. They did not send out the address verification emails all at once but continue to do so as the process moves forward, so keep looking for yours over the next couple of weeks as they move along with fulfillment. We appreciate your patience and as always, value your support.
QML Address Adjustment Clarification
about 3 years ago
– Thu, Dec 09, 2021 at 01:44:38 AM
Hey everyone. It has come to our attention that the Quartermaster Logisitics address confirmation emails have started going out. We did our very best to make any requested address adjustments with QML, but we want to make sure that you all have the opportunity to validate.
PLEASE validate your shipping address when you receive the email, especially if you've had a change of address. For the vast majority of you, this won't be necessary, but if you've had a change and realize your new address isn't displaying in the QML verification email, you will need to follow the instructions in that email so they can make the change before they send your rewards.
Thank you all for your patience. We appreciate you and your dedication.