A revised edition of the amazing wilderness-horror setting and rulebook compatible with the world's most popular role-playing game.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Brief Update and Special Project
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jul 08, 2021 at 11:25:37 AM
Moving Forward
Hey everyone! We continue to collect any input from backers regarding edits in the book, and we're simply amazed at the amount of support and passion you have for this project. Thanks again! We made a few corrections to the GM screen during the proofing process and had those sent back to the printer too. Things are all shaping up nicely. We're waiting on some information from our printer for the books too, so hopefully we'll have a better picture around fulfillment once they get back to us. They're pretty quick to respond so hopefully we'll be able to provide another update this week.
The Chaos Within
As you saw during the campaign, we like to point out projects that we like, which we think may also be relevant to your interests. This one is kind of special, though. Our fiction writer, Sarah Orr Aten (sister to Matthew Orr, and Wife of Brandon K Aten of Wet Ink Games) has launched a Kickstarter for her second fantasy novel, The Chaos Within. If you're a fan of epic fantasy stories, you won't want to miss this, especially since you have an opportunity to pick up the first book, The World Between, as well. Please check it out and consider throwing your support behind her. You can find it HERE!
Production Update (Lots of pictures)
over 3 years ago
– Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 10:03:39 PM
Hey everyone! Thanks again for sticking with us through the wild ride of last week. We again wanted to say thanks for pointing out the BackerKit issue we had AND for all of you who dove right into the PDF and pointed out any issues you saw. This update should give you some info about where production is, a BackerKit reminder, and a sneak peek at something we're working on and trying to figure out the best way to make it available...
Production Progress:
BackerKit - Surveys have been sent and over 81% of them have been completed. These will stay open for about another TWO WEEKS, so if you haven't completed it yet, please do so. We'll charge cards after the surveys close.
PDF - Updated PDF available on DriveThruRPG. We'll have at least one more version which will come out because we have to fix a noted inconsistency, but it (and any other identified issues) will be fixed in the new version and in the printed version.
Printed Version - All options have been solidified (ribbon color, endsheets etc), and final count has been sent to the printing house. We'll be signing off on that this week (hopefully) and get the cover files and everything to them.
Bookplate - Printed and sent to Charles. He is already signing these and should be done soon.
Decal 1 - Printed and received. There was a slight issue in shipping where one sealed sleeve of them broke open during transit and were scattered all over the box. We went through all of them and found that only about 10 were damaged and unsaleable. (See picture below). All others are in perfect shape and they look RAD.
Decal 2 - Printed and received. You can see them in the second picture below.
Art Prints - Proofing complete and approved. We should have these by Thursday.
GM Screen - Received. There is an issue with the bleed (Print Space), but we're working on getting that resolved so we can get that ordered.
Card Deck - Proofing in process. There was one issue identified with the UPC not on the box, but that should be rectified over the next couple of days. (You can preview the box and a card below)
Fiction received and in editing. Should be sent to layout this week.
Grim Harvest received and in editing. Should be sent to layout this week.
Adventure 1 in development. Should be sent to layout this week.
Adventure 2 received and in editing. Should be sent to layout this week.
Into the Wyrd and Wild Shirts
We're in the process of getting some Into the Wyrd and Wild shirts made, but we're trying to find the best way to go through it. We'll drop a preview here, but understand this design is NOT final, nor do we have an ETA on these. We're hoping to get them designed, ordered and shipped out to everyone before convention season. They are not part of the pre-order store or BackerKit, and we'll probably be designating shipping to the printer so we can focus on the book and other things.
IMPORTANT EU, UK and Rest of World Backer Kit info
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 11:54:26 PM
NOTE: If you are a backer in the US or Canada, this information will not apply to you.
After researching some of the comments that cam through after the BackerKit went live yesterday, we identified that the shipping profile for EU, UK, and the Rest of the World (other than the US and Canada) was significantly off. It was a profile which delayed the launch of the BackerKit of the first place and we thought it was rectified. This has since been corrected.
Note that no cards have been charged and surveys are still open.
What you can do:
If you have already completed your BackerKit survey, you should be able to go and edit it. If not PLEASE SEND US A MESSAGE and we'll reset it.
If you have not, you should be able to see the correct shipping cost for those add-ons.
We would like to point out that this does not affect the base shipping cost. We received multiple comments about those rates, but as we stated during the campaign, those are out of our control. We used the model and the estimates provided by our shipping partner for those, and understand that international shipping has been constantly on the increase.
As a small company We always try to do right by our backers and supporters, and apologize for this confusion and error.
UPDATE for EU, UK, and Rest of the World
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 05:43:18 PM
We sent a quick update a few hours ago to let you all know what we discovered as soon as we could, but we wanted to share this to give some clarity, some more detail and hopefully help you all out.
First, I want to thank the backers who point this out and even after our initial investigation we couldn't see the problem in the BackerKit system. We should have seen this issue during the Smoke Test, but didn't. We apologize for the confusion and the error.
What Happened?
A shipping profile is how the system assigns shipping value per geographical region to certain items or groups of items, like a pledge level or add-on. This issue was primarily affecting the Card Deck, GM screen, and adventure book, and slightly affected some geographies for the base shipping (even when we thought it wasn't), specifically EU and UK.
With the add-ons specifically, when the shipping profile was set up, there was a data entry error which resulted in those three add-ons getting almost three times as much per unit. That has been changed. Also, the EU and UK base shipping levels and a few other countries were slightly affected. This shipping profile was what originally delayed the BackerKit release because it needed to be corrected, and was, but when it went live, the OLD profile was still there and overwrote the new, corrected one. We're unsure how that happened, but things should be ok now.
NOTE: NO pledges have been locked and no cards have been charged.
If you have completed your BackerKit PLEASE go back and try to fill it out again. You should still have access to make changes using your initial BackerKit link.
If you have not yet completed your BackerKit, this shouldn't be an issue for you.
If you are US or Canada, you shouldn't be affected by this issue.
If you are having any issues with this, PLEASE reach out to us by sending us a message either through BackerKit, or through Kickstarter and we'll assist in any way that we can. Again, we apologize for all this confusion and this issue.
BackerKit Smoke Test and HUNT GENERATOR!!!
over 3 years ago
– Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 04:08:59 AM
Hey everyone!!! Really quick update. We just wanted to let you know that the BackerKit Smoke Test went out today, and if things go well tonight and tomorrow, the rest should go out tomorrow afternoon/evening. That's great news.
The HUNT GENERATOR is now live! You can dive in at the following link and check it out.