
Into the Wyrd and Wild - Revised and Reprinted

Created by Wet Ink Games

A revised edition of the amazing wilderness-horror setting and rulebook compatible with the world's most popular role-playing game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Fulfillment Update
about 3 years ago – Sat, Dec 04, 2021 at 07:30:41 PM

Hey everyone! We have a very quick update with the latest on the fulfillment delay. The last piece, the printed “Grim Harvest” is still stuck in the log jam at the printer, however we are in discussions with them every day to see if this can be moved up. As of right now, it’s plated and everything and they are just waiting to hit print in the queue. They expect it to ship in about a week and a half and QML should have it around 12/21 (maybe sooner but obviously with all the shipping issues going on only being exacerbated by the holidays, there is only more uncertainty).

That said, we’re also waiting to hear from QML if they can commit to shipping the stuff they have already, fulfilling those pledges which do not contain that product. We hope to have an update before or around the time we are at Pax U next weekend.

Thank you all so much for the messages of encouragement many of you all have sent. We can’t wait for this to get into your hands and know you all will love it. The end is in sight!

Printing and Shipping Craziness
about 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 11:28:53 PM

Hey Everyone! Just hopping in to provide an update regarding shipping, printing and just all around Into the Wyrd and Wild coolness. 

Our fulfillment partner QML has pretty much everything BUT the printed versions of The Grim Harvest, which are in process and will be there soon. Some of the other smaller items (vinyl decals and art prints) are in transit and should be there any day now.  We were having to barcode these manually and have applied THOUSANDS of barcode decals over the past few weeks. JUST A NOTE: For the special edition cover, we decided to barcode inside the back cover so as not to mess up the matte finish of the awesome cover. 

Domestic packages will be processed out of that location while while other countries are being fulfilled out of separate locations. for the EU we're still waiting on the approval of our VAT application which is something I never thought I'd say. Normally processing is completed in a couple weeks, but like everything else in this strange shipping Twilight Zone episode we're in, things are taking absurd amounts of time for simple things. Don't worry though, things are moving. 


I've made a number of address changes and provided them to QML, but our rep also assured me that they will send one last reminder/validation before shipments go out. Be aware that this will come from Quartermaster Logistics NOT BackerKit. If you are needing to make and address change, PLEASE keep an eye out for that over the next few weeks, and make sure to check spam folders.

PAX Unplugged

Wet Ink Games and Game and a Curry will be at Pax Unplugged and sharing a booth. We also have a demo space where we will be running games throughout the weekend. Banana Chan will be running multiple games of our game Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall, AND we will even have artist Charles Fergusson-Avery there for a little bit during the convention. If you'll be there, please stop by and say hey. We'd love to talk with you and shake your hand, bump elbows and generally express our gratitude.

Damaged Units

The freight shipment from our printer to QML arrived and they immediately checked for any damaged product. They do this as a standard step, and we actually build these into the production margin just in case damage occurs. You can see below the damaged ones they sorted out of fulfillment copies.  Some are just dent and ding, but others are pretty substantial. Again, this isn't out of the ordinary, but it always pains me to see damage to awesome products. 

Printing Update!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Oct 09, 2021 at 01:15:01 AM

Hey everyone! We just got an update from our printer which has a solid date for printing to wrap up and the books to be sent off to the fulfillment centers.

  • Wyrd and Wild : ship date 10/29 – some text at press and some at folding. Covers are in the cover department.

This is great news after coming home from GenCon and Origins. This means that theses should be shipping in early November and that we'll have copies with us at Pax Unplugged in December. Charles Ferguson-Avery may also be there to hangout with us and visit with you all too!

GenCon and Production Update
over 3 years ago – Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 06:35:13 PM

We'll Start with Production

Hey everyone! Sorry for the recent silence with everything as we've been getting prepped for two of our biggest convention, pretty much back to back. We got back from GenCon LATE Sunday night, and we had a great time (more on that below) and we're getting ready for Origins in about 8 days. Thanks so much for the words of encouragement and well-wishes as we ease back into a very strange convention season.

That said, we have an update on the various production pieces and want to get that in front of you:

Production Progress:

PDF - Updated PDF available on DriveThruRPG. If you have not received your PDF please let us know so we can rectify that ASAP. 

Printed Version - All options have been solidified (ribbon color, endsheets etc), and final count has been sent to the printing house. This STILL is sitting in their print queue because of all the staffing shortages and supply issues that are being felt all across every facet of manufacturing. At this stage, all we can do is wait for these to be printed and sent to Quartermaster Logistics. They are awaiting these and all of the other pieces so they can assemble and distribute packages. We'll definitely keep you informed as this process moves forward, because once this particular logjam breaks, things should move pretty quickly.

Bookplate - All have been signed and received. We got these in the mail literally the day before we left for GenCon!

Decal 1 - Printed and received. 

Decal 2 - Printed and received. 

Art Prints - Printed and received.

GM Screen - Printed and received.

Card Deck - Printed and received.

Fiction - Layout complete. 

Grim Harvest - Layout complete. 

Adventure 1 - Layout complete. 

Adventure 2 - Layout complete. 

The only thing we're waiting on from Charles is the cover to Grim Harvest and then we'll be able to get that book uploaded to DriveThruRPG for digital proofing and distribution! Like we've said previously, we'll just need to get that to the printer, but they already have our slot in the queue.

Each of these smaller items also requires a standard barcode (not necessarily a UPC) so they can scan them and have them registered at Qurtermaster logistics. We'll be ordering all of those this week and then just manually putting labels on everything before they have them. That's pretty much our super exciting weekend plans.

Long story short, thanks so much for all of your patience in this process. When we do another campaign for the subsequent books in this series (FYI get excited, because they're going to be super rad), we'll be sure to have the shipping timeframe accurately assessed and reflected based on their current and projected staffing models. We understand this is frustrating, but you all have been so fantastic and understanding every step of the way.


Wow. GenCon was awesome!!! We shared space with the IGDN (Indie Game Developers Network) and had an absolutely fantastic convention. I spoke to no fewer than six of our backers who came over and asked questions about IWW and our other projects, and I'm sure some of those I spoke to may have been backers and just didn't let me know. Everyone was just glad to be at a con again, and was doing their best to follow all the safety requirements. We even got to celebrate the birthday of Matthew Orr, the Creative Director for Wet Ink Games. All in all it was a great time!

Into the Wyrd and Wild was run at least twice by Corey Capps, one of our convention GMs and all around great guy. He ran once using the Never Going Home (one of our other games) using the +One rule set, and again using D&D 5E. He said that the book worked great in both systems and the players loved it. 

Corey modeling one of the awesome shirts at dinner

I love the creativity conventions bring out in people, and adore the cosplay community, so here are some of the ridiculous pictures I took with some super fun and gracious cosplayers (There are plenty more where these came from too...) 

GenCon! Larger update coming Monday
over 3 years ago – Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 05:56:39 PM

Ha! Hey everyone! Sorry for being out of touch. We’re at GenCon in Indianapolis through Sunday evening. We’ll be posting an update sometime on Monday once we’ve had some time to recover. I assure you we’re ok (Thanks Lisa!). We’ll definitely have some pictures of the Wet Ink Games presence here, and if you happen to be at GenCon, come and see us at booth 108 and say hey!